Ph.D. in Statistics
University of São Paulo, Brazil (October – 2004)
Victor Hugo Lachos Davila completed his Ph.D. in Statistics Science in 2004 under supervision of Professor Heleno Bolfarine at the Department of Statistics of the University of São Paulo (USP). He worked for two year in Bayes Forecast – Brazil which offer services in areas as Business Intelligence and Forecast Process (2004-2006). He was a Professor of Statistics at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) for about 12 years, from 2006 until 2017. He has published more than 140 articles in indexed international journals and is author of the book: Finite Mixtures of Skewed Distributions (Springer, 2018). He has supervised 7 post-doctoral projects, 15 doctoral thesis and 15 master’s degrees. His Statistical interests areas are asymmetric-elliptical distributions, linear/nonlinear mixed effects models stochastic volatility models, finite mixture of distributions, inflated models, spatial Models and semiparametric models. He won the 2008 IASI (INTER-AMERICAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE) Award for excellence. In 2012, was distinguished with the “ZEFERINO VAZ AWARD” from UNICAMP. In 2016, he received the title DOUTOR HONORIS CAUSA from the National University “Pedro Ruiz Gallo” Peru. Now, he is a Full Professor at the Department of Statistics of the University of Connecticut-USA. Curriculum Vitae .
Member of the Brazilian Statistical Association – ABE
Member of the American Statistical Association – ASA
Member of the International Statistical Institute – ISI
Member of the International Chinese Statistical Association– ICSA
Member of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis – ISBA
Member of the New England Statistical Society – NESS
- Postdoctoral Research in Biostatistics at University of Connecticcut (UCONN), CT-USA, 2009-2010 with Prof. Dr. Dipak Dey
- Ph.D. Degree in Statistical Science at Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo, SP- Brazil- Oct, 2004.
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Heleno Bolfarine and Reinaldo B. Arellano-Valle - Master Degree in Statistics at Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of Campinas. IME-UNICAMP. SP-Brazil – Feb, 2002.
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Filidor Vilca Labra. - Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics and Computer Science, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. DEI-UNALM . Lima-Peru; – 1999.
BIRTH : April 28, 1973. Lambayeque, PERU.
- Linear/Non Linear Mixed-Effects Models
- Generalized Linear Mixed Models
- Skew-elliptical/Elliptical distributions
- Time Series
- Measurement error models
- Semiparametrics Models
- Censored Regression Models
- Spatial Models
- Augmented Models
- Finite Mixtures of Distributions
- Distribution Theory
- Associate Editor of S A N K H Y A Series B (2016 – Present)
- Associate Editor of Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (2014 – Present)
- Associate Editor of Electronic Journal of Statistics (2022-2024)
- Associate Editor of Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (2024-present)
- Received the “Best LACSC -2019 Paper Award” in the 4th Latin American Conference for Statistical Computing. Guayaquil-Equador, May-2019. (Joint with Ph.D. student Christian Galarza).
- Recognition for Teaching Excellence, UConn. Fall 2016, Spring 2017 and Fall 2019.
- Received Honorary doctor degree, from Universidad Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque-Peru, October, 2016.
- Received the CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel ) honorable mention for the supervision of the best doctoral thesis in the area of Mathematics and Statistics, December 2015, Brazil.
- Received the Distinguished Professor Award “Zeferino Vaz’ from Campinas State University – Brazil, December, 2012.
- Received the IASI Award for excellence for the best young research in the area of Statistics in the American region, National Symposium in Probability and Statistics – SINAPE, July 2008.
- Honors for the best M.Sc. thesis, National Symposium in Probability and Statistics – SINAPE, July 2002. Brazil.
- Former Ph.D. student Larissa Avila Matos, a faculty member in the Department of Statistics at Campinas State University, is one of the winners of the 19th edition of For Women in Science 2024 (Brazil), an initiative carried out in partnership between the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), UNESCO, and the L’Oréal Group in Brazil, May 9-11, 2024.
- Ph.D. Student Heeju Lim received a “Student Poster Award at Stat4Stat” conference. Storrs UConn Campus, CT, May 9-11, 2024.
- Ph.D. Student Brisilda Ndreka received the “NESS Student Poster Award 2024” in the 37th New England Statistics Symposium. Connecticut, USA, May-2024.
- Ph.D. Student Brisilda Ndreka, received a Student Poster Award at “Pushing the Boundary of Data Science through Statistical Modeling and Inference: A Conference in Honor of Prof. Dipak Dey”. Blacksburg, VA, July 13-14, 2023.
- Ph.D. Student Alejandro Ordoñez received the “Best EBEB -2020 Poster Award” at the 15th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics. São Paulo, Brazil, March 2020.
- Master Student Fernanda Schumacher received an Award for the best Master Thesis defended in the period 2016-2017. SINAPE AWARD. Sao Paulo, Brazil, July-2018.
- Ph.D. Student Christian Eduardo Galarza Morales received the Jan Tinbergen award during the Word Congress of Statistics (ISI-2017). Marrakech – Morocco, July 2017.
- Ph.D. Student Diana Milena Galvis Soto received an Award for the best Doctoral Thesis defended in the period 2014-2015. National Symposium of Probability and Statistics – SINAPE AWARD. Porto Alegre – Brazil, July-2016.
- Master Student Christian Eduardo Galarza Morales received an award for the best Master Thesis defended in the period 2014-2015. National Symposium of Probability and Statistics – SINAPE AWARD. Porto Alegre- Brazil, July-2016.
- Master Student Larissa Avila Matos received an Honorary Mention for the best Master Thesis defended in the period 2010-2011. SINAPE AWARD. Joao Pessoa – Brazil, July-2012.
- Ph.D. Student Diana Milena Galvis Soto received an Honorary Mention for the best thesis in the area of Mathematics and Statistics defended in the period 2014-2015. CAPES Thesis Award. Brasilia-Brazil, December-2015.
- Master Student Christian Eduardo Galarza Morales received the IASI Award for excellence for the best young research in the area of Statistics in the American Region during the Word Congress of Statistics (ISI-2015). Rio de Janeiro – Brazil, July-2015.
- Ph.D. Student Denise Reis Costa received the Best Poster Presentation Award during the II CONBRATRI (Congresso Brasileiro de Teoria de Resposta ao Item). Bahia-Brazil, December-2011.